Breaking Down Gender Barriers in Hobbies and Crafts

Are Hobbies for Men and Crafts for Women?

What’s the difference between a craft and a hobby? According to Webster’s Dictionary, a craft is a special skill, art, or dexterity. A craftsperson is a worker in a skilled trade, an artisan, or an artist. A hobby is something that one likes to do or study in one’s spare time; a favorite pastime or avocation.

Gender Divide in Hobbies

The crossover is unmistakable, yet we find that the hobby industry is particularly geared toward men, while the craft industry focuses on women. My husband is a scale model builder and is by industry definition, a hobbyist. I believe his work says otherwise … it requires a special skill, artistic creativity, and a high amount of dexterity. Don’t make the mistake of referring to model building as a craft, however. Somehow these terms have morphed into gender specific activities.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not pushing the idea that every woman needs to get into scale modeling or that every man picks up knitting, but I am questioning the artificial separation of the two industries. Generally speaking, craft stores are for women; hobby stores are for men. If this was working for the retailer, I’d say great! However many craft stores and hobby stores are struggling to survive. Likewise, especially in our current economy, hobby and craft manufacturers are feeling the pinch.

Bridging Gender Gaps in Hobbies

Craft and hobby manufacturers and retail store owners would do well to take note of the other half of the population, giving serious thought as to how to reach across gender lines in product lines and marketing efforts. Hobby store owners, do your product line, store layout, and marketing materials appeal to both men and women? In many households, moms are responsible for the lion’s share of purchasing decisions. In single-parent families, moms make all the purchasing decisions, and many would be highly interested in hobbies that offer educational value for their children. Craft store owners, do your product line, store layout, and marketing materials exclude men? So, what do you think? Are hobbies for men and crafts for women? Should the craft and hobby industries remain distinct and separate? Why or why not?