The Hidden Costs of Cheap Promotional USB Sticks

Cheap Promotional USB Sticks Can Be a False Economy

Everyone likes a bargain and it’s no different when people are shopping around for promotional USB memory sticks. The problem is when you get the prices back from the various suppliers you’ve approached how can you be sure that you’re comparing like to like? We’re in our 11th year of supplying USB sticks and other USB products and at times we find it hard so if you’re buying them for the first time it’s incredibly easy to get bamboozled and quite frankly it’s easy to get ripped off.

Of course, everyone you get quotes from is going to say that they are only supplying “new”, “Grade A” top quality products with a guarantee that’s as long as the sentence handed out to Bradley Manning in the US this week. But, the reality is that whilst USB flash drives might look the same on the outside it’s what’s under the skin of them that matters. So unless you are willing to take your USB sticks apart when they arrive it is an act of faith that you are getting what was promised when you placed your order.

There are a few basic things you can do to protect yourself and your company – after all, it’s going to be your company’s brand that’s printed on the USB sticks so if they do fail then it’s going to be your brand that takes the hit and not the brand of the USB supplier!

Our advice is as follows:

Buy Local

Of course, we’re bound to say it but we strongly recommend that you buy from a local reputable supplier that has a proven and visible track record of delivery and happy customers. There are loads of review sites around today including sites like TrustPilot so use them to check what other customers are saying.

The added advantage of buying local (as opposed to buying directly from China) is that if things do go wrong then you have recourse in the UK. Trying to get a refund or resolution to a problem from a Chinese supplier you spotted on the web can be challenging, to say the least!

Company checks

Do some basic checks on the company you’re planning to buy from. If you have access to Experian or Equifax run a company search. Check them out on LinkedIn it’s surprising what information it can throw up.

Check the Terms & Conditions on Supply

Some companies write into their conditions that they can undersupply by as much as 5% of your order and you have no recourse.


A lifetime warranty sounds great providing the company offering it is still going to be around in 6 months or a year to honor it.

Basic Checks to do when your USB sticks arrive:

  1. Insert one into your PC or Mac and check the properties to make sure it’s the correct memory size.
  2. Load files onto the USB stick close to the stated maximum capacity of the USB stick
  3. Remove the USB stick plug it into another PC and make sure the files you loaded are still there
  4. If they are not then it’s likely that you’ve been sold a “masked” USB stick- this means your say 2GB stick is only a 1GB stick that has been made to look like a 2GB. Send them back!

If you’re loading large images or videos it’s also worth checking several to make sure they have loaded properly – If the sticks have been made using cheap sub-standard components then images can have lots of white lines across them and videos either won’t work or will be very jerky.

In summary, when deciding where to place your order for promotional USB memory sticks don’t just go by the headline price unless you do so in full knowledge of the possible consequences. Ideally, choose a company that has an established pedigree that can point to lots of repeat business and will offer guarantees and warranties on their products that have some meaningful recourse. Buying on price and price alone is an easy option but to do so is to ignore the complexities and risks of what should, on the face of it, be a simple and safe transaction.