The Goals and Objectives of Physical Education

Physical Education Goal

The final goal or direction is called an objective, indicates a path. It is the final end. Some objectives are achieved. The objective of physical education, like general education, is to develop the human personality in its well-planned programs of activities in its entirety. In a few words, physical education aims at the all-round development of an individual’s personality or the healthy development of the human personality and includes physical, mental, social, emotional and moral aspects to make an individual a good citizen who can contribute to the nation. process in your own way.

Physical education means making an individual physically fit, mentally alert, emotionally balanced, socially well-adjusted, morally true and spiritually elevated. Objectives of Physical Education – Objectives are considered as steps towards the achievement of the end.

These are the particular and precise means used to achieve a goal. The moment a goal is achieved, it becomes an objective in the action that is proposed to be pursued.

Purpose of Physical education

The three objectives of physical education are:

 1. Physical fitness

The goal of physical fitness refers to that state in which a person has developed great endurance, speed, strength, etc. Physical fitness is essential to lead a happy, vigorous and abundant life.

2.Social efficiency

The goal of social efficiency refers to adequate adaptation to group life. Physical education activities provide ample opportunities to develop traits such as cooperation, respect for others, loyalty, sportsmanship, self-confidence, etc. All these qualities help a person to become a good citizen.

3. Purpose of culture

The purpose of culture aims to develop an understanding and appreciation of one’s local environment, as well as the global environment. By participating in various physical education activities such as dance, sports and games, a person fully understands the history, culture, tradition, religious practices, etc. and the aesthetic values ​​associated with these activities.

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